The principle of measurement
of degree of mixing with PHOTO METER. |
Procedure for measure to degree of mixture at white powder and black powder .
In the case of white powder, the output signal shows the maximum value.
black white 0.0 value 0 〜 5 5.0 (A) make a hole on side of mixer and (B) make a hole on top of mixer and insert the sensor into powder insert the sensor into powder
(1) no mixing: Black powder and white powder fill into mixer with ratio of 1:1. (2) In the case that sensor touch the white powder, the output signal shows the maximum value. (3) In the case that sensor touch the black powder, the output signal shows the minimum value. (4) Process of mixing is progressing. Sensor is touched by white powder and black powder,repeatedly. Range of output signal is going small. (5) Process of mixing is final. Powder color is all gray of equality. Range of output signal is nothing. (6) make graph ( fluctuate of output signal vs mixing time) Output signal is concentrating one value. Process of mixing is complete.
(7) In case of off-line measuring, measure at 10 - 20 point of sampling material put into beaker etc. If output signal is all the same value then process of mixing is complete. If output signal is not the same value then process of mixing is not complete. (8) If you need to measure powder's mixture of same color. You can measure powder's mixture of same color by PHOTO METER(PM―V).
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